Thursday, January 14, 2010

new satellite gallery

Yesterday I met with the manager and head broker at one of the biggest real estate offices in the state. We are shooting for a new valentines day show in their offices in which we will be able to display 50 pieces of art from the Chatham County art gallery. They even have a protected outdoor area where we can display large sculpture.
And as if that didn't get me off the ground, I sold the piece that is called ''sunlight dance" which is on the front page of this blog. Maybe I should have played the lottery too!

Monday, January 11, 2010

hot out of the kiln

Here are a few examples of my new work.....enjoy

Thursday, January 7, 2010

artistic orgasms

I've started to be more simple in my art. My friend Murry has been creating minimalistic art for years. 8 strokes of the brush and a forest is apparent. 4 strokes and he has a figure holding a flower. Amazing! I started with long pieces of low fire white clay and created the figure using 7 pieces. Very recognizable and simple. I can use my signature glazing techniques, fire once , create a frame, and I'm ready to hang. The process still means I need enough work to fill my kiln...which takes a week or two but the end result is an artistic orgasm. My favorite pieces are when I can have two figures interacting. To sign the piece I've started to use a crescent moon with my name on it. I love the first visible represents the male aspect ...the time of the month when the spark of creativity is at it's peak.